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HTML Forms

In HTML, forms are important as they provide the only means by which a user can input data and send it back to the web server. The method via which this is accomplished is the <form> tag. You can use the <form> tag to specify the page you wish the data to be sent to, along with the method by which you wish to transmit the form data. Now all this changes quite dramatically in ASP.NET, but to understand it more clearly, we need to be certain of how the <form> tag works in HTML.

The <form> Tag

The <form> tag is a container tag. It is used purely to denote the set of form controls that the developer intends to use to convey information back to the server. It still needs another technology on the server side (such as ASP.NET) to be able to manipulate the form data and send it back to the user. It also adds no extra presentational features itself (the form itself is invisible).

In Netscape browsers, prior to version 6, form controls cannot be displayed without the <form> tag. In other words, all form controls, such as textboxes and radio buttons, must be placed within <form> tags, otherwise they won't be displayed at all in Netscape. On the other hand, IE and Opera can still display the form controls without the <form> tag, but if you want to send the form data back to the server, then the form controls have to be contained within a set of <form> tags. We'll take a look at the <form> tag in more detail now.


While the <form> tag supports eleven attributes (as defined by the HTML 4.01 standard), there are only two that are essential:


q        action – specifies the web page we want to receive our form data

q        method – specifies the HTTP method by which our form data is transmitted


The other attributes, which include name (with which we can reference the form from client-side code) and target (to specify a different window or frame in which to load the returned page), are all useful in themselves. However, they're not immediately relevant to the current discussion, so we will not be looking at them here. For more information, you may want to take a look at HTML 4.01 Programmer's Reference from Wrox Press (ISBN 1-861005-33-4).

The action Attribute

The first of the <form> tag's attributes, action, defines the name of the web page that will receive the form data. A typical action attribute in an HTML form might look like this:


<form action="/aspnet/nextpage.html"  ... >



We've referenced an ASPX page here, as HTML forms have to work in conjunction with another technology. This is still an HTML form though. ASP.NET forms have a specialized set of attributes that are not part of the HTML 4.01 standard and we look at some of them later in the chapter.


When you submit a form (send it to the web server), you need to specify the name of the web page that the information will be returned to. It could possibly be the same page as the one that received the information, but for our early examples, we will be using a separate second page.


One last thing we need to say about this attribute: make sure it points to a valid page, otherwise you will generate a page error!

The method Attribute

The second attribute defines the method of transmission of the form data. There are plenty of different possible methods of transmission, but in practice, you'll only ever use two of them: GET or POST.

The GET Method

The GET method is the default, and is normally used to retrieve files from a web server. When it is used in conjunction with a <form> tag though, it sends the form data to the web server. Form data sent to the server is appended to the end of the URL in the form of name-value pairs, attached with a question mark. For example:




The first part of this name-value pair is the name, which acts as an identifier. The second part is the value that you wish to store. The name and value are taken automatically from a form element like a textbox or a checkbox. The name of the form element is the name used in the GET method, and the content the user has written in the form element is the value. Here 'firstname' is the name, while 'Vervain' is the value. This can be appended to the URL as follows:








The browser automatically appends the information to the URL when it sends the page request to the web server. You can add more than one name-value pair to a URL if you separate each pair with an ampersand (&). With two name-value pairs, the end of the URL might look like this:




As part of the URL it would look like this: Vervain&surname=Delaware


The part appended to the URL is known as a query string. So this is how you can still pass information between the browser and server, while leaving the HTTP body empty – it is transferred in the URL.


However, GET isn't the only method that can be used to transmit data, and indeed, when we move to ASP.NET, we'll see that GET becomes all but obsolete.

The POST Method

One disadvantage you might have discerned from using query strings is the rather public nature of their transmission. If you don't want the information sent to appear in the URL, then you will have to rely on the POST method instead. This works almost identically to the GET method, the only difference being that the form information is sent in the body of the HTTP Request rather than as part of the URL. This isn't any more secure though: it's just less immediately visible.


POST can also allow a greater amount of information to be transmitted. Some web servers have a limit on the amount of text you can transmit as part of a URL. Using the POST method avoids this problem. Apart from this, for all intents and purposes, the two methods provide the same functionality and level of performance. However in ASP.NET there is no choice of method of transmission, all forms will be sent to the server using the POST method. Before we look at how to return information from a form control with ASP.NET, let's do a quick tour and refresher through the many form controls that HTML offers.


HTML Form Controls

For the majority of HTML form controls, you will use the <input> tag to place them on the web page, and for those that have their own specialist tags, the attributes they require are broadly similar.


The HTML form controls you might use on a typical web page are:


HTML Form Control





Textboxes are single line fields for typing text into

Uses the <input> tag, with the type attribute set to text

Text areas

Text areas are multiple line boxes for typing text into

Uses the <textarea> tag

Radio Buttons

Radio buttons are multiple choice buttons that allow only one exclusive answer

Uses the <input> tag, with type set to radio


Checkboxes are single and multiple choice buttons that allow several, independent answers

Uses the <input> tag, with type set to checkbox


Listboxes are buttons that reveal a drop-down menu, from which you're allowed to select one or more options

Uses the <select> tag

Submit buttons

Submit buttons submit HTML forms to the web server

Uses the <input> tag, with type set to submit

Reset buttons

Reset buttons reset the contents of an HTML form that hasn't already been submitted

Uses the <input> tag, with type set to reset


HTML Form Control




Normal buttons

Normal buttons trigger whatever event they are connected to

Uses the <input> tag, with type set to button

Password fields

Password fields are like textboxes, but with one important difference: anything you type into them is disguised by an asterisk

Uses the <input> tag, with type set to password

Hidden fields

No visual appearance

Hidden fields are set in the HTML, and are sent along with other form data

Uses the <input> tag, with type set to hidden


As you can see, the <input> tag deals with the broad majority of HTML form controls, so we'll take a closer look at it.


The <input> tag has only four attributes that we will make use of:


q        name – is used to identify the control in ASP.NET code.

q        type – specifies which type of form control you are using. Valid options are Submit, Reset, Radio, Checkbox, Hidden, Text, Password, and Button (there are also image and file options, which fall outside of the scope of this book).

q        value – not strictly necessary for all controls, but can be used to specify a default value for some button or text controls.

q        checked – if you wish to pre-select a radio control, so that a particular choice is selected when the user first sees the page, you can add the CHECKED attribute to a particular <input> tag.


These attributes of the <form> tag are all you need to be able to access and manipulate form controls with ASP.NET code.

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© Copyright 2002 Wrox Press This chapter is written by David Sussman, et al and taken from "Beginning ASP.NET with C#" published by Wrox Press Limited in June 2002; ISBN 1861007345; copyright © Wrox Press Limited 2002; all rights reserved.

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