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  huffman encoding and decoding in C++...  s970032 at 08:40 on Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm very new to this Huffman concept and I was asked in my assignment to implement the following functions in my C++ program;

1. a function that reads a text message from a text file with a name entered by the user. It's also going to compute the frequency of each character used and display each character and its frequency.

2. a function that uses character frequencies above to generate Huffman code using priority queue and binary trees (STL data structures) and display binary code for each character.

3. a function that encodes the message read from the text file using Huffman code generated above and display the encoded message on screen.

4. a function that computes and displays the percentage of storage savings after data compression.

5. a function that decode the encoded message and displays the decoded message on screen.

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