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  HIding a drop down list item at the click of a check box  devsav at 10:34 on Friday, January 10, 2014


Can anybody help ?

I have drop down list which is pulled from a table. I need to hide an item in the drop down list on the click of a checkbox on the form. THis is an app in and using VS 2010.

I have used the following code to hide it, and was working, NOw when I try to run it, it doesn't seem to work any more. Anybody know why ?

Drp_Validity.Items(1).Attributes.Add("hidden", 1)

I want to hide the item with the index 1.

Any help will be much appreciated, and I have been playing with problem for a while now.

For more info

THe project is .csproj and we use .ASPX forms and the code files as .ASPX.VB. I am only new to this project so please ask if you need any more info.

Any help is much appreciated. the above code has been working fine , but suddenly it stopped doing it, i dont uderstand why ?

Kindest regards,

Dev Sav

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