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  Running ASP code from a database  Archive Import (Hans Dreve) at 05:53 on Friday, January 03, 2003

I wonder if it is possible to run asp (or vbscript) codes from a database.
What I want is a smal script that decides on the input it gets, what code it will use and that code is in a database.

i.e. Someone clicks on 'What is the date of today'. The answer would be showed using <%=date%>. But this would mean that I have to make a seperate page for only this function.
Now they click on 'What is the weekday'. The answer would be showed using something like <%=weekday(now)%>. But this is again a new page.
Now I could use only one page to display all and let it look at what has been clicked, but that would mean I have to put all this code in the script itself.

I'm now trying to get the code from a database, ie (open database and table start reading the contents); code=rs("code")
Then the string variable code should be shown. In the case of the date this would be something like <%=date%> in the database.

When I use <%=code%> then nothing shows, but when I look in the source of the page, then I see <%=date%> on the right spot.

Is there a way to get the ASP compiler to also compile these kind of items or is this something that ASP can't do?

It's just something that I want to find out, not that it is something that I realy need, I just want to learn more about the way ASP works and what is can do.
Up till now, I have found all out myself, but this is something that I just can't figure out and that bugs me.

Thanks for any response!


  Re: Running ASP code from a database  gracie20 at 06:55 on Wednesday, August 20, 2008

hello..please can anyone tell can i run ASP code from a database.
Thanks in advance

Gracie Sh

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