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  Oops  abooda at 16:30 on Saturday, December 09, 2006

Excuse the earlier cock-up, the message I was trying to post was here....


I have a patchy work history as a programmer, and became interested recently in using Perl primarily out of a passion for Bioinformatics, and found a lot of articles/tutorials and so on dealing with Perl's bioinformatics applications. I hope people don't completely pooh-pooh these incredibly simple questions....

Basically, I tried downloading ActivePerl 5.8.8 to start programming on the WindowsXP Pro which I've also been using recently for ASP.NET development (I'm also planning to install Suse Linux on an old machine I have lying around, and using another release of Perl to do some other programming there...). I've encountered a few problems, and couldn't find any clear explanations online about what exactly I was facing:

--I couldn't quite map .cgi extensions to Perl in IIS, and I have a feeling this might be because I've got an older version of IIS. Do I need to be using IIS 6.0?

--Is ActivePerl not meant to come with an IDE? I'm not sure which file on the release that is, and how to launch it.

Well, that's it.....thanks in advance.

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