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  Have multiple ASP.NET web projects share pages and controls  MrCeri at 14:13 on Monday, July 17, 2006


I have an existing ASP.NET/C# web application which I would like to replicate for use on another project. The other project will need slight modifications to the existing site, e.g. some different site text, some different logic in code-behind, the odd extra page here and there etc., but 95% of the site will remain the same.

My question is, what is the best practice for sharing code/pages between these two sites? I am using Visual Studio 2005, and cannot see an easy way of sharing .aspx pages, .ascx web controls, etc. between different web projects.

Naturally I don't want to simply create a copy of every page for each site, as this leads to twice the maintenance cost of having all the shared pages in the same place.

Many thanks in advance for any help/advice,


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