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  HashMap question  maig at 22:07 on Friday, May 12, 2006

I'm trying to complete another assignment for my online course, and I'm having trouble getting it. I've learned about ArrayLists and HashMap in separate lessons but now I'm supposed to create a HashMap with an ArrayList as the "value". I am totally stuck. The program is supposed to be a simple MailServer and MailClient. I've done the MailClient and the MailItem classes but I'm having a lot of trouble with MailServer. I need to do a "post" method that take the info from the sendMessage info from MailClient and puts it into a HashMap, but the value should be an ArrayList of all the messages. Confusing!

Here is what I have so far... not sure if I need to post the MailClient code or not for help...

* Add the given message to the message list.
* @param item The mail item to be stored on
the server.
public void post(String name, MailItem item)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
messages.put(name, item);

the "name" parameter should be the user name which is set when you create a MailClient object.

Now I know this isn't correct, any help appreciated.


  Re: HashMap question  maig at 07:30 on Saturday, May 13, 2006

I have found a way to do this now, but my MailClient is complaining. Is there a way to fix this method from MailClient:

public void sendMessage(String to, String subject, String message)
MailItem mess = new MailItem(to, user, subject, message);;

So that it can use my new post method in MailServer?

public void post(String name, MailItem item)
if(messages.containsKey(name) == true) // if the key already exists
ArrayList list = (ArrayList) messages.get(item); // add the item to the arraylist
ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); // if the key doesn't exist, create a new ArrayList
messages.put(name, list); // add the mailItem to the ArrayList

The compiler is hanging on the line as it is expecting (String, MailItem)

  Re: HashMap question  miteshbhimjiyaani at 09:47 on Tuesday, May 16, 2006

can u send me signature or syntax of method.

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